My home of homes

I’m feeling a little bit blue because today is the last day of my holidays and tomorrow I’m headed back to work. (As an aside, I love my job, but holidays are incomparable, amirite?) I originally wanted to talk about body clocks and how things are stacked against people who are more nocturnally inclined, butContinue reading “My home of homes”

The Complicated World of Fanfiction

I realize I haven’t written much about my writing and creative life in this blog, and it’s supposed to be a writer’s blog. What can I say? I’m just a bit ditzy like that, and I am a professional when it comes to going off topic. Just because I haven’t been writing about being creativeContinue reading “The Complicated World of Fanfiction”

Chance Encounter and Other Fanfiction

Um, yes, I have not written for a day, or was it two? I seriously can’t remember. Not that there’s much happening in my life. I’ve been glued to computers, and criticizing bad writing on the net. Oh, and I plowed through five history books on the crusades while researching stuff for my essay. ThatContinue reading “Chance Encounter and Other Fanfiction”